2nd place
7335 points
Challenge | Category | Value | Time |
What language is this? | Reverse Engineering | 493 | |
What is this? | Cryptography | 500 | |
Shift! | Cryptography | 484 | |
Beginner Zone | Web | 499 | |
Uncipher the ciphertext! | Cryptography | 493 | |
The base of the numbers | Cryptography | 484 | |
POST Log 1 | Log Analysis | 500 | |
Wobbler | Misc | 464 | |
Trusted Tester | Misc | 464 | |
Section 508 | Misc | 484 | |
What's the key?! | Cryptography | 484 | |
Flooded!!! | Network Traffic Analysis | 493 | |
Get it? | Forensics | 500 | |
Number bases | Cryptography | 500 | |
Cyber Security! | Cryptography | 493 |